The 5 Secrets to Reaching Fundamental Wellbeing – Nonsymbolic

The 5 Secrets to Reaching Fundamental Wellbeing

This section covers how to use what our research has uncovered to transition to Fundamental Wellbeing. In this section, we’re going to teach you the 5 most important lessons, or secrets, that emerged from our research on how to safely, rapidly, and reliably reach Fundamental Wellbeing. Some of these will sound familiar to you if you’ve already gone through the 10 myths, but here we’ll be helping you to put everything together into a usable and coherent whole that will speed you along on your path to Fundamental Wellbeing.

These truly are the key secrets that make all the difference, and this section will tell you everything you need to know to put them to work for you right away.

First, just a bit of housekeeping in case your viewing this section out of order. Fundamental Wellbeing, it is the term we use for so-called, persistent, higher levels of consciousness, such as: enlightenment, nonduality, persistent mystical states, unitive states, and so forth.

And, that the information with you here comes from data from the largest scientific psychology and cognitive neuroscience project of its kind in this area, one that has been running for over 15 years as this is written, and that has involved thousands research participants spread across 6 continents who experience Fundamental Wellbeing.

This includes over a thousand individuals who were already in Fundamental Wellbeing when they entered our research program, as well as thousands of others who have participated in our experiments that helped people to transition using exactly these types of techniques.

Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that the information presented here is only for people who want to transition to Fundamental Wellbeing. It is for taking action, not acquiring theory. As mentioned in the “10 Myths” section, over our years of research we’ve learned that theory and ideas about Fundamental Wellbeing actually take you further away from it. If you’re interested in actually reaching it you need a proven, action-based methodology like the one here.

Okay, let’s get started!

First, I want to reiterate our earlier warning. Remember what we said in the previous section on the 10 Myths about how the mind can trip you up? You have to be very diligent in making sure that doesn’t happen as you go through the rest of the materials here.

For example, you will probably have heard of, and maybe even have tried, some of the methods mentioned. Do not make the mistake of thinking to yourself “oh I’ve tried that so this won’t work for me.”

When something like this comes to mind it’s important to put it into context so you can keep an open mind. For example, each method has many ways it can be implemented. There are hundreds of different types and styles of mantras (a method of meditation that involves repeating words or phrases), for example. The odds of you having tried all variations of them are low to impossible. You may have tried some of them with varying degrees of success, or even no success. Congratulations, that just means that you’ve ruled out some things that might not work for you, but it doesn’t mean that you won’t find a mantra-style meditation a few hours from now that transitions you right away to Fundamental Wellbeing.

The mind is always trying to be negative, but for purposes of this process you can’t let it. You want to keep as open a mind as possible to benefit from what I’m sharing here today.

There are other examples, but I think you get the point. Just be vigilant and don’t let your mind trip you up.

The 5 secrets you’re about to learn emerged from a totally modern, scientific approach to this problem. Over nearly a decade, across 6 continents – literally thousands of research participants who experienced various forms of ongoing non-symbolic experience participated in this intensive academic psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience-based research project. According to standard scientific practices, the project was peer-reviewed at every step, and its progress and findings have been presented widely at leading academic conferences and prominent universities such as Harvard, Yale, and Stanford.

Our findings have been tested experimentally for over seven years, to determine if the original results were a fluke. They weren’t. All of this research and the related experiments confirmed what you’re about to learn. Using these same methods, for many years we’ve consistently achieved success rates in from one day to four months with about 70% of participants, and most of the remaining ones experiencing at least temporary periods of Fundamental Wellbeing that are heading in the right direction at the time their research cohort ends and we stop tracking them.

Most recently, our latest protocols have pushed 80+% effectiveness in helping people to persistently transition. I’m sure by the time you read this, we’ll have continued to improve upon these types of numbers. If you’ve been interested in this for any length of time, I know how impossible these numbers probably sound to you. However, they are real, and have been validated for many years at this point.

What we share in this section is the foundation of what has made all of our research and experimental success possible. There’s no reason that you shouldn’t be able to do the exact same thing we have using these 5 secrets.

So, I hope you’re ready to get down to what matters and what will make a difference for you, because here we go…

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