The transition to Location 5 and later is extremely rare, and involves crossing what seems to be a kind of chasm between Location 4 and Location 5. There is a significant fork in the road at this point, and how Fundamental Wellbeing develops from this point on depends on which path an individual’s system takes beyond Location 4.
One direction a Finder can take is the Path of Freedom, which continues to unfold much in the direction of Location 4 – no emotion, no sense of self, no sense of agency, etc. The alternative is, the Path of Humanity, which involves some return of emotion, usually impersonal forms of love. This is very common in the West, and may be the result of people’s systems rejecting the profoundly “not human” qualities of Location 4, but still wanting to go further into Fundamental Wellbeing, just not necessarily in the direction of Location 4.
So, their system doesn’t choose to go on the Path of Freedom, they choose to go on the Path of Humanity and re-activate a subtle sense of self, agency, and emotion (usually impersonal forms of love). This however does limit how far an individual can go into later locations, and the Path of Humanity more or less tops out around Locations 6 or 7.
Some recognize when they reach this point, and do experience themselves making an explicit decision to go one way or the other. Most, however, just seem to go one direction or the other. The path taken seems to primarily be the result of cultural and belief driven-driven bias, with individuals from Western cultures typically favouring the Path of Humanity (unless they deeply practice and/or believe in a form of religion or spirituality that is more aligned with the Path of Freedom), and individuals from Eastern cultures favouring the Path of Freedom.
Tendencies of Location 5+
- There is a lot of reason to be cautious about exploring these later locations.
- In short, it is potentially psychologically dangerous, as it appears some peoples’ systems aren’t equipped to psychologically handle the transitions.
- It can be dangerous physically because of the sensory glitches that can affect Finders from Location 6 on. These can range from mild to severe, and there is no way to know which it will be for a particular person. The Path of Humanity does appear to bring less difficulty with this.
- These later locations make it increasingly difficult to retain any access to traditional thoughts and thinking, which can significantly impact functioning in the world.
- The completeness of the peace and freedom is extraordinary, but it is easy to let one’s life spin out because “everything is just unfolding” and it can seem like it doesn’t matter what happens.
- The tendency to isolate increases, especially on the Path of Freedom, which can lead to undesirable lifestyle consequences.
- Over time deconditioning occurs that can be in a direction that is oppositional to societally acceptable ethics and morality. The dramatically reduced capacity for self-reflection and prevent this from being noticed and, when combined with the sense that everything seems fine, corrected for.
- It is difficult to get back to Location 4 or earlier from Location 5 and on. There is an immense gravity to these late locations once you enter them.
- The farther one goes into late locations, the more richness and dimensionality of experience disappears, becoming increasingly stark and flat. Most won’t notice this unless they go back to an earlier location. This is often referred to as seeing “what is” or the universe seeing itself.
- Most of these are less extreme on the Path of Humanity.