What Finders Say – Nonsymbolic

Program Research Participants In their Own Words

Since 2014 we have conducted public research programs that assisted people with the transition to Fundamental Wellbeing. We periodically do in-depth survey's of program alumni for research purposes. The responses on this page are drawn from one of those surveys. They include alumni who have been in Fundamental Wellbeing for anywhere from 3 months to 4 years. They are the answers to several questions all put together, which is why they don't read like consistent narratives. They do, however, give you an unprecedented look into the change that took place in these individuals as a result of the research protocol that helped them to transition into Fundamental Wellbeing (or in some cases deepen, if they were in a cohort that began the program already in Fundamental Wellbeing), and into the moment-to-moment experience of Finders in general. We've also included each person's reported location (i.e. their type Fundamental Wellbeing, see here for more details , so that you can see both the consistency within locations and the fascinating differences across them. Because people who take the course are also considered research participants, their responses have been anonymized to protect their identity.

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{{ people.location }}, {{ people.gender }}

Research Program Alumnus, age {{ people.age }}, {{ people.address }}